Companies from the seeds and young plants sector are not only active in the Netherlands and Europe, but throughout the world. The Netherlands is a leader when it comes to knowledge about breeding and the development of new varieties. Plantum is proud of this position and believes growers should have access to quality seed everywhere.
What you need to know?
Plantum is committed to aligning the various international policy goals and initiatives of companies and ministries.
Quality seed everywhere
Because breeding companies operate worldwide, they must take into account all kinds of different circumstances, such as climate, international rules and consumer wishes. Only then can growers all over the world have access to quality seed that is suitable for their growing conditions and sales on the local market.
Healthy business climate
Successful international entrepreneurship is not possible without a healthy business climate. This includes good and practicable laws and regulations, a transparent and enforceable establishment policy, and forex trading.
To have more impact, partnerships with public and private initiatives are a must. These can be national partnerships and certainly also partnerships in the country or region where a company is active.
The SeedNL project, set up in collaboration with the Dutch Ministries of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and Foreign Affairs, is intended to better coordinate international activities surrounding seeds and young plants and to jointly have a more positive impact.
With its work, Plantum contributes to SDG target #17