The seeds and young plants sector in the Netherlands has a strong international character. As an important production and export country, the Netherlands takes up a key position. Having good agreements with countries outside the European Union about access to foreign markets is therefore very important for the sector. This mainly concerns phytosanitary import requirements of countries, variety registration of crops, protection of property rights and import duties, and inspection rates.
What you need to know
Plantum identifies opportunities and threats for the import and export of seeds and young plants, and is committed to new policy that removes bottlenecks. As such, Plantum contributes to increasing market access in countries that are relevant to the sector.
Market access determines sales
The Netherlands owes its strong export position to continuous product innovation, new varieties, high quality of seeds and young plants and good logistics. Market access to other countries determines the sales of the products.
Practicable import and export rules
Each country has its own regulations for the export and import of products. Dutch seeds and young plants travel the whole world. Practicable import and export rules contribute to the smooth movement of products.
Plant health
Due to increasing trade flows and climate change, Europe is increasingly exposed to new risks in the field of plant health. New regulations have therefore been implemented in Europe and the Netherlands. It is therefore important for companies in the sector that these rules are properly implemented by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and the inspection departments. Plantum represents the sector in various consultations with these authorities.
With its work, Plantum contributes to SDG target #8