Condition of trade and delivery
Plantum has drawn up trade and delivery conditions for a number of sub-sectors within the seeds and young plants sector. These conditions are set out below.
Ornamental Plant Cultivation and Food Horticulture Propagation (filing date 21 May 2012)
Conditions of Service for Food Horticulture Propagation (filing date 15 August 2018)
Deed of Pledge (filing date 7 January 2019)
Conditions of Service for Food Horticulture Propagation English (filing date 15 August 2018)
Deed of Pledge English (filing date 7 January 2019)
Conditions of Service for Food Horticulture Propagation French (filing date 15 August 2018)
Deed of Pledge French (filing date 7 January 2019)
Conditions of Service for Food Horticulture Propagation German (filing date 15 August 2018)
Deed of Pledge German (filing date 7 January 2019)
Cultivation of Roses (filing date 1 December 2004)
Tissue culture (filing date 20 December 2012)
Contracting Tissue Culture (deposit date 20 December 2012)
Trade in Agricultural Seeds - A.V.H.Z. (filing date 30 January 2002)
Cultivation of pre-purchased seeds of agricultural crops - A.T.V.L. (filing date 14 January 2014)
When concluding agreements, the parties can submit this dispute to an arbitration committee if a dispute arises as a result of or in connection with the execution of the agreement. If the parties opt for this, they must agree to do so in writing. In that case, the ordinary civil court will declare itself incompetent if a party nevertheless submits the dispute to that court.
Plantum has drawn up arbitration regulations for litigation. If the parties wish to settle the dispute in accordance with Plantum’s regulations, the agreement must specifically refer to these regulations. These regulations are intended for concluding national agreements.
In the case of an international agreement (one of the parties does not have its head office in the Netherlands) regarding the trade in seeds, it is recommended to use the arbitration regulations of the International Seed Federation (ISF). These regulations can be found at