At the Dutch Seed Symposium an interesting spectrum of issues about seeds and seed physiology is presented by international researchers, aiming to give the participants a broad perspective of the present state of the art in seed science, bringing science and business together. The presentations as well as the participants are interesting and stimulating for everyone who is involved with seeds in their profession. The Dutch Seed Symposium also provides a great opportunity to meet and talk to a broad range of people active in the seed industry.
You are welcome to join the Symposium on October 2nd 2024 starting at 09.00-09.30 hours registration with coffee/tea and closing 16.45 – 18.00 hours with drinks and snacks.
Chairperson: Leónie Bentsink (WUR)
09.00 – 09.30 Registration with coffee/tea
09.30 – 09.35 Opening
09.35 – 10.20 Mariana Silva Artur (WUR)
Drying to survive: developmental and environmental regulation of dry seed survival. Producing dry seeds is vital for plants because it enables them to survive in harsh environmental conditions and it ensures that their species can thrive over time. During the maturation phase of their development, seeds of most species acquire traits that contribute to their survival in the dry state. In our work, we study the developmental and environmental regulation of dry seed survival traits.
10.20 – 11.05 Silke Hemming (WUR)
The use of AI in greenhouse horticulture – disruptive innovations. AI technologies are developing fast and have impact of our daily life. Since a few years they are also used in innovations in greenhouse horticulture. Sensors, data, autonomous control and AI are used plant phenotyping, breeding and production. What can we do already? Where are the knowledge gaps? How does it change the industry?
11.05 – 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 – 12.05 NPEC – speaker to be determined
12.05 – 12.45 Asif Ahmed Sami (WUR)
Role of drying rate in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance during Arabidopsis thaliana seed maturation. Maturation drying is a crucial part of seed development. In my project, I explore the differential role of slow and fast drying on the acquisition of desiccation tolerance in A. thaliana seeds on a physiological and transcriptome level.
PUMILIO RNA binding protein regulates seed germination in salt stress. Since dry seeds contain stored mRNAs, we aimed to determine the factors that regulate translation of those mRNAs during seed germination. We found that, depending on the environmental conditions of the seed, one specific PUMILIO RNA binding protein can bind a different set of target mRNAs. We hypothesize that this PUMILIO protein plays a role in the pausing or continuation of germination in response to the environment. To investigate this, we specifically studied PUMILIO’s role in regulating germination in salt stress.
12.45 – 13.45 Lunch
13.45 – 15.45 This session will dive into practical challenges in seed production and treatments from various perspectives. Limgroup and Solynta will present their challenges in seed production for crops that were traditionally propagated vegetatively. Following that, the Dutch gene bank CGN and Bejo Zaden will share challenges around seed propagation for gene banks and organic production.
15.45 – 16.30 George Bassel (University of Warwick)
16.30 – 16.45 Group picture (optional)
16.45 – 18.00 Drinks with snacks
You can register here, until September 24th 2024.
For questions you can contact Monique van Vegchel.
The Dutch Seed Symposium is an initiative of Dutch seed companies, associated with Plantum.