GreenGenius event for youth and early-career researchers

7 | 03 | 2024

Dear plant science enthusiast,

Euroseeds is organizing a plant-focused science forum ‘GreenGenius’ as satellite event for the EU Bioeconomy Changemakers festival to empower youth and early-career researchers active in plant-related sciences to drive the change towards a sustainable bioeconomy.

Tuesday 12 March

The in-person event will be held on Tuesday 12 March from 12:30 till 17:30 at BluePoint in Brussels and will be structured as an interactive forum. Admission to the event is free of charge, however registration prior to the event date is required. The venue is easily accessible via public transport.

Broaden your horizon

GreenGenius is about you! The aim of the event is to broaden your horizon and to help you assess other aspects besides plant-related research that are important to consider for facilitating the transition from a scientific proof of concept to something that could become available on the market or be useful for society.

Engage with early-career experts

You will be able to engage with early-career experts from specific disciplines (such as agriculture, economy, social science, policy) in roundtable discussions and the reception afterwards. More information can be found online.

In case of any questions, send an email to dr. Nick Vangheluwe, Manager Research Policy and Project Coordination, Euroseeds, at

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