INVITATION Dutch Seed Symposium 2021

13 | 07 | 2021

INVITATION Dutch Seed Symposium 2021

9th Dutch Seed Symposium
For all seed women and men and all companies who care about the heritage of all time: The Seed. Wednesday October 6th, 2021
WICC Wageningen
Lawickse Allee 9, 6701 AN Wageningen


Online streaming: register here

The Dutch Seed Symposium is back, all we need is you!
Plantum brings the players in the Dutch seed landscape together once a year and provides the scene of information exchange. You will have a superb opportunity to meet your colleagues in one of the global hubs for seed trade. Speak your mind and listen to many subjects around seeds including seed technology and physiology.
So make sure you don’t miss this opportunity and spruce up the quality of this community by your presence.

Looking forward to meet you, of course Corona-proof!

In the morning you are inspired with the latest updates from the scientific field of seedtechnology and seedphysiology. With presentations from Ivo Rieu (Radboud University), Mariana Artur Silva (Wageningen University & Research), scientists from INRAE and others, chaired by Tonko Bruggink, you get a full update.
The afternoon consists of a panel discussion on sustainability and the contribution of the seed industry. Among the panellists we have Johan Bremmer (Wageningen University and Research), Benyamin Houshyani (Bayer), Peter van der Toorn and others. The panel is moderated by Plantum’s own Niels Louwaars.
Keep a close eye on Plantum communications to receive updates on the program. Hybrid symposium
This year’s symposium is hosted in hybrid format. It is possible for a limited amount of people to join the symposium in Wageningen (fee € 100,- including lunch), but you can also follow our livestream (fee € 50,-) with interaction using the chat function.

If you have any questions, please contact Monique van Vegchel.


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