INVITATION free Seed Technology Webinar

30 | 04 | 2021

INVITATION free Seed Technology Webinar

Date                :  12 May 2021
Time                :  14.00 – 15.00 PM CEST

Speakers         :                       

Apiaceae, like fennel, have a complex flowering dynamic with umbels, umbellets and flowers. This flowering kinetics can lead to differences in maturity between the order of umbels at harvest and can result in poor seed quality. Indeed, the end of flowering triggers the start of seed development during which the physiological qualities of the seed are acquired. Predicting flowering progress is a first step in predicting harvest date. In the context of climate change, we propose predictive models of the flowering durations of fennel based on climatic factors. We will discuss better crop management to limit the spread of flowering and seed maturity within a plant.

Seed dormancy and longevity are acquired during seed development and their acquisition are regulated by a complex sets of genes that are still poorly understood despite their high agronomical significance. Here, we analyzed HSFA9, a seed specific factor previously unraveled as a putative regulator of seed longevity in legumes. Our study shows that MtHSFA9 negatively regulates the acquisition of seed dormancy while it has a role in thermotolerance. We will discuss its role in regulating the life span in the soil where seeds face rehydration-dehydration and temperature cycles.

If you have any further questions, please contact Monique van Vegchel (

This webinar is brought to you by the Plantum Working Group on Seedtechnology.

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