Invitation workshop’ Genetic analysis polyploids’

27 | 06 | 2023

Invitation workshop’ Genetic analysis polyploids’

Dates:                  Monday 25 September & 2 October 2023 or

                               Monday 6 November & 13 November 2023

Time:                   10.00-15.00h (lunch is provided)

Location:             Impulse building (building 115) Wageningen Campus


The first day starts with an introduction to genetic analysis in polyploid crops. After that you will get hands-on experience with three R packages used for dosage scoring in polyploids: fitPoly and fitPolyTools for the analysis of SNP array data, and updog for sequencing data.
During the second day we will address linkage mapping and QTL mapping in polyploids, using the R packages polymapR and polyqtlR.

The workshop is free of charge.

Software information
In this workshop we work in the R language. Participants should have a working knowledge of R software. A basic introduction to R can be found here: not familiar with R software are recommended to go through this tutorial beforehand.

Your laptop should have the following software installed: R, RStudio and the R packages fitPoly, fitPolyTools, polymapR, polyqtlR and updog. See below for installation instructions. Please make sure that you have arranged this, if necessary, with your system administrator, because sometimes there are restrictions on the installation of software.

Installation of software

  • R:
  • R packages fitPoly, polymapR, polyqtlR, updog: These can be installed using the R command install.packages(), for example: install.packages(“fitPoly”) installs fitPoly (and similarly for the other packages).
  • R package fitPolyTools: This package and installation instructions will be sent to the participants before the workshop.
If you want to participate, please send an email to Monique van Vegchel with the date you would like to join.

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