Symposium Future proof seeds: innovative crop protection solutions

11 | 07 | 2023

Symposium Future proof seeds: innovative crop protection solutions

Last year at the Seeds meets Technology Symposium we concluded there are many challenges for future proof seed treatments and treated seeds. Regulations are complex and getting more and more strict. Commonly used plant protection products lose their authorisations. New solutions are needed to protect our valuable seeds against pests and pathogens. At this year’s symposium you will be updated on interesting new solutions for crop protection that are currently being researched and in development.

Mute negative stress effects
Mr. Jerome Verdier, researcher at INRAE IRHS (Institute of Research in Horticulture and Seeds) in France will tell us more about the work done in the SUCSEED project. In this project, the researchers examine how biotic and abiotic stresses impact seed quality, in order to manipulate biological mechanisms to mute negative stress effects. One of the objectives is to understand seed defence mechanisms, which (plant based) ingredients are involved at molecular level, and how to boost these defence mechanisms through plant resistance inducers and priming methods. New ‘green’ crop protection solutions
A consortium of companies and associations run the ‘Groen op Zaad’ (Green on Seed) project at Vertify. Project lead
Mr. Frans Tetteroo from Vertify will inform us about the quest for new ‘green’ crop protection solutions for seed treatment and the development of good testing and treating methods. Challenges for innovative companies
The company Vital Fluid develops Plasma Activated Water (PAW) as a crop protection solution for several applications. Mr. Mark van Boxtel from Vital Fluid will update us on the results of trials in seeds. Moreover, he will address the challenges an innovative company meets when entering the market with a new crop protection method.

On behalf of Plantum and Vertify we would like to welcome you to this symposium. Reserve the date now: Thursday 28 September 13:30 – 15:00. Please register here

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